
Winnie-the-Pooh, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger, Piglet, Owl, Kanga and Roo are fictional characters based on the original works of A.A. Milne and Ernest H. Shepard.
The characters and their names are registered trademarks of the Trustees of the Pooh Properties, Dutton Children's Books, or the Disney Corporation. The images may or may not be fully copyrighted illustrations of the Disney Corporation and/or Dutton Children's Books.

The Disney Corporation and Dutton Children's Books in no way endorse this Web site, nor are they affiliated with this page in any way. Those trademarks and all other trademarks are the sole property of their respective owners.  Furthermore, the author of this page has not used this page, nor does he intend to use this page (or the information contained herein), for commercial purposes. These pages were created by the webmaster strictly for the enjoyment of Winnie the Pooh fans from all over the world, both children and adults.

